With the costs rising on Microsoft Office products, many less-frequent users look to competitors like Open Office or Google Drive to fulfill their word processing needs.  Google just upped the game by allowing for plugins for their Google Drive products.  As of launch day, there are several useful plugins, some that make Google Drive seem more like Microsoft Office (there’s a cool track changes plugin), and there are some that boast of features that Office doesn’t have (the HelloFax plugin lets you easily send an occasional fax).  Lifehacker discusses some of the popular ones here: http://lifehacker.com/the-best-add-ons-for-google-drive-1541643206?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+lifehacker%2Ffull+%28Lifehacker%29 

The Best Add-Ons for Google Drive