by can_admin | Nov 19, 2015 | Uncategorized
We’ve talked about the benefits of Two-Step Authentication before- and why everyone should enable it. Now, better late than never, Amazon has entered the game, allowing users to configure this important security step for their accounts. Once set up, if you’re ordering something from Amazon on a new computer, you’ll be required to type in both your password and a code they text/call you with in order to log in and authorize the account. This makes the account MUCH more secure, and prevents people who might hack into your account from a remote location. Best of all, you can save the settings so it doesn’t inconvenience you every time you visit Amazon from trusted devices (like your cell phone or your home computer), only once you visit from a new computer. Gizmodo has a great write-up on how to enable it- visit this page for more details:
While you’re at it, use this opportunity to review your other two-step authentication sites, and make sure you’re as protected as you can be online:

by can_admin | Nov 12, 2015 | Uncategorized
When considering ideal situations, most professionals agree your data should be in three different places….1) on your main computer, 2) on a backup hard drive at the same location, and 3) an off-site/online backup. While this is ideal, anyone who has been through a hard drive failure, or lost a ton of irreplaceable pictures can appreciate the recommendation of three levels of data protection (sadly, myself included). So, considering these recommendations, what online backup service do you use? At a fairly minimal cost per year for protection, the perks of automatically backing all of your data up and storing it off-site are clear, and there are several newer contenders in the ring. PC Magazine recently offered a good comparison of the different services, and their perks and benefits in this article:,2817,2288745,00.asp. Before you suffer your next big loss, consider setting up one of these services today….you’ll be thankful if you ever need it. Give a shout-out to your favorite service in the comments below!

by can_admin | Nov 5, 2015 | Uncategorized
Canyonero has always recommended their customers consider manufacturer-refurbished options when buying a new computer; mainly because of the significant cost savings off the retail price. Now, top iFixit professional Kyle Wines is chiming in on why he ONLY chooses refurbished machines, and takes it a step further by claiming they’re superior to their brand new counterparts. Why? Wines cites that more thorough part testing, higher quality control, and potentially better hard drive performance are just some of the reasons to consider a “scratch & dent” or “manufacturer-refurbished” computer your next machine. With the holiday buying season approaching, these are great thoughts to consider!
Click here to read the full article: