by can_admin | Jun 26, 2014 | Uncategorized
One of our favorite free malware scanners, Malwarebytes has released a new program called Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit. This new free program offers real-time protection for your internet browsers against common exploits. It’s designed to run alongside your current antivirus program (Norton, McAfee, Eset….) and protects against “drive-by” attacks where you don’t download a file or specifically click something to allow some malware to run. It also protects against Java vulnerabilities, one of the newer exploits that have been plaguing internet users lately. Best of all, it does not need to be updated with definition files regularly making it an easy, no-brainer way to offer some additional free protection to your computer. Download it today by visiting this link:

by can_admin | Jun 16, 2014 | Uncategorized
If you’re a Comcast customer, and you rent your cable modem & router through them, your home will soon become a public wifi hotspot….if it hasn’t already. Hundreds of customers have started complaining about this, as it opens your personal network up to the potential of hackers getting easier access to your computer, and could ultimately jeopardize your connection and download speeds.
How can you fix it? Purchasing your own cable modem and router (usually under $125 for the set) actually ends up saving you the rental fee you already pay each month, it decreases your potential for future router/modem problems because they’re separate higher quality equipment, and it ends up disabling Comcast from using your home device as a public wifi spot.
For more information, see this article (, and contact Canyonero for how we can set you up with a reliable replacement.

by can_admin | Jun 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
Getting news now a days can be quite a challenge, and many people are relying on the internet to keep up with everything from top world news to latest blog posts from their favorite recipe website. However, remembering to visit each of your favorite websites is often hard to do….which is where Blogtrottr comes in. is a free online service that takes an RSS feed you’re interested in, and sends you an email when it’s updated with the content. For example, if you want to get the latest news from emailed to your inbox, do a google search for “CNN RSS”, find the specific topic you’re interested in (political news, world news, sports, etc.). Copy that link and go to to sign up for an account, and give them that link and set how frequently you want to be notified with an email including a table of contents of stories, including pictures and links to the original post. It’s great to wake up each morning and know I have my news already waiting for me in my inbox. It’s also great for websites that only update every few days; when there’s an update, you’ll get an email, otherwise you won’t.
Another alternative to is (which is a paid service), but I’ve personally found I like the format and layout of blogtrottr, and it’s worked great for the last year or so I’ve used it (and I’ve actually found their advertisements to be minimal and relevant to my interests). Give it a try, and let us know your feedback! Of course, we would love for you to subscribe to our feed….