We’ve talked about the benefits of Two-Step Authentication before- and why everyone should enable it.  Now, better late than never, Amazon has entered the game, allowing users to configure this important security step for their accounts.  Once set up, if you’re ordering something from Amazon on a new computer, you’ll be required to type in both your password and a code they text/call you with in order to log in and authorize the account.  This makes the account MUCH more secure, and prevents people who might hack into your account from a remote location.  Best of all, you can save the settings so it doesn’t inconvenience you every time you visit Amazon from trusted devices (like your cell phone or your home computer), only once you visit from a new computer.  Gizmodo has a great write-up on how to enable it- visit this page for more details: http://gizmodo.com/you-can-now-use-two-step-authentication-on-amazon-and-h-1743224068

While you’re at it, use this opportunity to review your other two-step authentication sites, and make sure you’re as protected as you can be online: http://canyonero.org/2015/06/24/have-you-enabled-2-step-authentication-on-all-your-accounts/
