We’ve all seen “click-bait” style apps and games on Facebook before. They’re those sometimes obnoxious quizzes, games, or pictures that are sooooo hard to resist clicking on that pop up in the middle of your Facebook feed. Haven’t you always wanted to know if you’re a “Local Expert”, or “What Age Will You Live Until?” They’re tempting, and they seem harmless because so many of us have done it and allowed it…it’s almost commonplace to see at least one in your feed each day.
The bottom line is that these apps can pose a serious threat to your computer, because they allow the developer access to your facebook account, friend list, and ultimately your computer, and it can be compromised for malicious use. This news video, posted by a Kansas City TV station KCTV5 shows a great synopsis of what it is, and how to get rid of it: http://www.kctv5.com/clip/12167432/beware-of-stick-figure-meme-on-facebook.
As the video suggests, take 5 minutes, review your installed apps and make sure your Facebook account is secure. While it’s always fun to see “How Many States You’ve Been To”, or to “Test Your IQ”, trust me, your friends will thank you if you clean up the apps on your Facebook account.