We’ve all been there: we’re stuck at the doctor’s office, or waiting for an appointment, or just relaxing and we’ve caught ourselves with a few spare minutes and we think ‘this would be a great time to finish the chapter in that book I’m reading’.  Paper books are great….but they’re not always convenient to bring with us everywhere we go, nor are they good when you’re reading in bed and have to roll from side to side as you turn a page.  While I love my smartphone for many things, one of the best is the ability to keep books on my phone to have them ready and able to read at any time.  I always have my phone with me, so an impromptu lunch break or wait somewhere means I can keep up with my story wherever I am.  I get it though, it’s not for everyone…but there are some other conveniences with electronic books that set them apart from traditional ones.

  1. Listen To Your Books. Audio books have always been a popular alternative to paper books, and luckily they’re easy to transfer to your cell phone, or purchase electronically on there and have the audio version of your book as you fold laundry or drive to work.
  2. Buy Books On The Go.  What if you’re at the beach, you finish your book, and wish you had your next one there to start?  Luckily on smartphones, you have the ability to shop for and purchase new eBooks or audio books wherever you have cell phone service.  So you’ll never have to be caught between books!
  3. Forgot Your Kindle?  Read It On Your Smartphone! The Kindle has been a popular reading tablet of choice for many people.  Did you know that if you forgot your Kindle at home, there is an app for both Apple and Android devices that let you pick up with your books right where you left off on the Kindle?  It makes it really simple to read cross-platform and keep up with whatever device is available in front of you.
  4. Check Out The Library.  Here in Michigan, our public library has a wealth of options for eBook readers.  Overdrive is an app that once linked with your library card lets you check out free eBooks from the library with your library card.  Likewise, Zinio offers many popular magazines that are free for reading, and they’ll notify you when new issues come out.  Can’t find anything in-stock on Overdrive or Zinio that you like?  My new favorite, Hoopla, allows you to check out even more popular eBooks…all for free.  The best part….there’s nothing to return, the books expire in your account on the due date!